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I.S.T – Industrial Summit Technology

Privacy Policy

I.S.T Corporation and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as "I.S.T Group" as a collective term) recognize the importance of "the protection and use of personal information (information that can identify a customer such as name, address, telephone number, name of membership organization, e-mail address, etc. and hereinafter referred to as "personal information") in the global information society, and formulates, operates and controls self-imposed regulations concerning the personal information provided by our customers via the websites of the I.S.T Group. Based on the current situation, in which social demand for protection of personal information is growing, the I.S.T Group recognizes that the proper handling of personal information is a company's social responsibility and stipulates the company's policy for handling personal information as follows.

  • The I.S.T Group shall pay careful attention not to undermine customer interests when obtaining, possessing, and/or using personal information of our customers.
  • The I.S.T Group shall obtain personal information after clearly specifying the purpose for use in advance, for example, to provide customers with useful information on the products and services of the I.S.T Group, improve or upgrade the websites of the I.S.T Group and listening to customer requests and/or inquiries and shall use the personal information within the scope of the relevant purposes.
  • The I.S.T Group shall establish a proper management system to prevent defamation, destruction, loss, falsification, leak of the personal information, or use of such information for purposes other than the original intent and shall make the utmost efforts to prevent any leaks to third parties.
  • The I.S.T Group shall not provide the personal data handled in operations to third parties as a rule without obtaining the consent of those concerned.
  • If requested by a customer, the I.S.T Group shall disclose, correct or suspend the use of personal information in accordance with the proper procedures specified by our company.
  • The I.S.T Group shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and its related laws and regulations and continuously improve protection and handling of personal information, including this policy, in accordance with the enforcement and revision of related laws and regulations or changes in social conditions.
  • The site of the I.S.T Group uses Google Analytics of Google, Inc. to take measurements in order to improve the service. Analysis may be conducted through the "Cookie" generated accompanying this, and part of user information such as IP address may be collected by Google, Inc. The information is used only for the purpose of analyzing site usage, sending of generated reports to the site operator, and for provision of other services. By using this site, users are regarded as having granted permission for the data processing carried out by Google, Inc. through the method and for the purpose mentioned above. In addition, although it is possible to reject "Cookie" by the browser operation by the user side. However, this may disable to use some functions of the site. The website visitor can also prevent Google from collecting information (including their IP address) via cookies and processing this information by downloading this browser plugin and installing it: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
    Further information concerning data processing and use by Google, the settings can be found in the Google Privacy Policy as well as in the Google Analytics Terms of Service.
    Google Analytics Terms of Service
    Google Privacy Policy

    Google Analytics is used exclusively with the extension "anonymizeIp" on this website. This extension ensures an anonymization of the IP address by truncation and excludes a direct personal reference.
  • For more information on this personal information protection policy, please contact us by using this e-mail form.